Qualification Description For AMP30815: Certificate III in Butcher industry Meat Processing
This qualification is the trade qualification for butchers.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Entry Requirements
There are no entry requirements for this qualification.
Packaging Rules
To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:
- 44 units of competency:
- 37 core units plus
- 7 elective units.
Elective units must ensure the integrity of the qualification’s Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome. The electives are to be chosen as follows:
- 1 unit from Group A (Stage 1)
- 1 unit from Group B (Stage 2)
- 1 unit from Group C (Stage 3)
- 4 units from Groups C or D
Core Units
An asterisk (*) next to the unit code indicates that there are prerequisite requirements which must be met when packaging the qualification. Please refer to the Prerequisite requirements table for details.
Stage 1
Maintain personal equipment |
Apply hygiene and sanitation practices |
Follow safe work policies and procedures |
Communicate in the workplace |
Overview the meat industry |
AMPR101 |
Identify species and meat cuts |
AMPR102* |
Trim meat for further processing |
AMPR103 |
Store meat product |
AMPR104* |
Prepare minced meat and minced meat products |
AMPR105 |
Provide service to customers |
AMPR203 |
Select, weigh and package meat for sale |
AMPR212 |
Clean a meat retail work area |
AMPX209 |
Sharpen knives |
FBPOPR2069 |
Use numerical applications in the workplace |
Stage 2
Comply with Quality Assurance and HACCP requirements |
AMPR201* |
Break and cut product using a bandsaw |
AMPR202* |
Provide advice on cooking and storage of meat products |
AMPR204 |
Package products using manual packing and labelling equipment |
AMPR205* |
Use basic methods of meat cookery |
AMPR208 |
Make and sell sausages |
AMPR209* |
Produce and sell value-added products |
AMPX201 |
Prepare and operate bandsaw |
AMPX210* |
Prepare and slice meat cuts |
AMPX211* |
Trim meat to specifications |
Stage 3
AMPR301* |
Prepare specialised cuts |
AMPR302 |
Assess carcase or product quality |
AMPR303 |
Calculate yield of carcase or product |
AMPR304 |
Manage stock |
AMPR305* |
Meet customer needs |
AMPR306 |
Provide advice on nutritional role of meat |
AMPR307 |
Merchandise products, services |
AMPR316 |
Cure, corn and sell product |
AMPR317 |
Assess and sell poultry product |
AMPR319 |
Locate, identify and assess meat cuts |
AMPR320 |
Assess and address customer preferences |
AMPR322 |
Prepare and produce value added products |
AMPX304* |
Prepare primal cuts |
Elective Units
An asterisk (*) next to the unit code indicates that there are prerequisite requirements which must be met when packaging the qualification. Please refer to the Prerequisite requirements table for details.
Group A: Stage 1
AMPR106 |
Process sales transactions |
AMPR107 |
Undertake minor routine maintenance |
AMPR108 |
Monitor meat temperature from receival to sale |
Group B: Stage 2
AMPR206 |
Vacuum pack product in a retail operation |
AMPR207 |
Undertake routine preventative maintenance |
AMPR210 |
Receive meat product |
AMPR211 |
Provide advice on meal solutions in a meat retail outlet |
AMPX212 |
Package product using automatic packing and labelling equipment |
AMPX213 |
Despatch meat product |
AMPX214 |
Package meat and smallgoods product for retail sale |
Operate a personal digital device |
Balance and secure point-of-sale terminal |
Group C: Stage 3
AMPR312* |
Bone game meat |
AMPR323* |
Break small stock carcases for retail sale |
AMPR324* |
Break large stock carcases for retail sale |
Group D: Stage 3
AMPR308 |
Prepare, roll, sew and net meat |
AMPR309* |
Bone and fillet poultry |
AMPR310 |
Cost and price meat products |
AMPR311* |
Prepare portion control to specifications |
AMPR313 |
Order stock in a meat enterprise |
AMPR314 |
Calculate and present statistical data in a meat enterprise |
AMPR315 |
Utilise the Meat Standards Australia system to meet customer requirements |
AMPR321 |
Collect and prepare standard samples |
AMPR325 |
Prepare cooked meat product for retail sale |
AMPX305 |
Smoke product |
AMPX306 |
Provide coaching |
AMPX307 |
Provide mentoring |
AMPX309 |
Identify and repair equipment faults |
Provide first aid |
Coordinate visual merchandising activities |
Sell to the retail customer |
Provide work skill instruction |
Prerequisite requirements
Unit of competency |
Prerequisite requirement |
AMPR311 Prepare portion control to specifications |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPR309 Bone and fillet poultry |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPR312 Bone game meat |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPR323 Break small stock carcases for retail sale |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives AMPR319 Locate, identify and assess meat cuts |
AMPR324 Break large stock carcases for retail sale |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives AMPR319 Locate, identify and assess meat cuts |
AMPX304 Prepare primal cuts |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPR305 Meet customer needs |
AMPR105 Provide service to customers |
AMPR301 Prepare specialised cuts |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPR201 Break and cut product using a bandsaw |
AMPX201 Prepare and operate bandsaw |
AMPR202 Provide advice on cooking and storage of meat products |
AMPR105 Provide service to customers |
AMPR205 Use basic methods of meat cookery |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPR209 Produce and sell value-added products |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPX210 Prepare and slice meat cuts |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPX211 Trim meat to specifications |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPR104 Prepare minced meat and minced meat products |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
AMPR102 Trim meat for further processing |
AMPX209 Sharpen knives |
Qualification Mapping Information
Code and title current version |
Code and title previous version |
Comments |
Equivalence status |
AMP30815 Certificate III in Meat Processing (Retail Butcher) Release 4 |
AMP30815 Certificate III in Meat Processing (Retail Butcher) Release 3 |
All unit codes and titles checked and updated where required AMPX304 prerequisite corrected |
Equivalent qualification