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9 Factors to Consider When Choosing A Future Career in Australia

9 Factors to Consider When Choosing A Future Career in Australia

You’re a fresh university graduate and you can’t wait to join a company. Or maybe you just finished high school and want to become a tradesperson. But with so many options on the market, job seekers and students often get confused. We regularly get questions about the best career path. Well, in fact, there is no ‘perfect job for everyone’.  

Every individual has a certain profession that will suit him or her. It’s quite natural that you may not love a certain job, even with some amazing benefits. Your perfect career path will depend on your preferences, qualifications, skills, and life objectives.  

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the quit rate in Australian jobs has risen sharply to a record 9.5% in 2022. Who doesn’t hate a job that they cannot wait to leave early every single day? So we suggest investing your efforts in a career that you’ll love and where you’ll grow. Let’s look at the 9 factors to consider when choosing a future career in Australia.  

9 Factors to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Future Career  

Before anything else, remember that certain factors will be more important to some job seekers compared to others. Let’s say that you’re a full-time undergraduate student and want to learn more about digital marketing. Time is a factor for you. It’s more likely that you’ll choose a part-time internship in an ad agency over a full-time executive position.  

So let us understand the factors that will play an important role in choosing a future career in Australia.      

Your Passion  

First and foremost, you should identify your passion. You should know what motivates you. A topic you’re passionate about will always be way easier to grasp. If something excites you, you can build a solid career based on it. When making career choices, follow your passion because:  

  • You can come up with creative and original solutions  
  • You’ll never feel bored at work  
  • You’ll have better productivity  
  • Most importantly, you’ll do what you love and love what you do  

So if you’re into doodling and creating logo designs, a creative career path as a graphic designer can be a fantastic decision. If preparing tasty meals for your friends is your thing, you might consider becoming a chef. There are amazing possibilities if you follow your heart!  

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses  

Suppose, let’s assume that you are an introvert. The idea of regular interpersonal communication makes you quite uncomfortable. In this case, a real estate job may not be the right choice. The smart idea is to use your strengths to your advantage. We regularly suggest students know more about their strengths and weaknesses. You can do the following:  

  • Write down your strong and weak sides  
  • Make a list of things you should do to improve your existing skills  
  • Determine your weakness and its solution 
  • Prepare a measurable and achievable plan    

You can be very good at mathematical calculations but weak at leading others. If you’ve already completed your education, it’s smarter to focus on your natural strength. So the position of an accountant may suit you better than a career in sales.    

Your Goals  

Everyone has different life objectives. For some, the main aim is to get a challenging job with handsome remuneration. For others, job stability is more important. Your career choice will depend a lot on your personal goals, both financial and non-financial. You can choose an NGO if your goal is to help the poor. You’ll find it more enjoyable than a higher-paying corporate post.  Let’s see what you should know before setting your goals:

  • What are your short-term and long-term objectives?  
  • Are your objectives realistic and trackable?  
  • What do you aim to do to achieve personal growth?  

People with concrete goals perform better and are much more motivated in their workplaces. They can better progress in their career because they know what to do. This quality helps them to have better positions and promotions.     

Qualifications and Skills 

Do you know which group of employed people switch their jobs the most? It’s skilled professionals like lawyers and doctors. This is mainly because skilled professionals get more lucrative offers due to the severe skills shortage. Recently, ABS showed that 59% of the job openings in Australian businesses didn’t get qualified or skilled applicants.  

Having a set of demandable skills and recognised qualifications will give you access to various opportunities. Some jobs even require specific qualifications, like:  

We highly suggest obtaining your qualification from a recognised institution. Take advantage of the skills crisis and get qualified!

Job Demand

Then comes the factor of demand. Occupations that require specialised technical skills, or ‘tradies‘, usually have a great demand in Australia. Globalisation and advanced technologies have led to the popularity of digital services as well. All of these positions come with their own unique challenges. You also need to develop relevant skills and qualifications.  

Some of the most in-demand sectors in the Australian job market are:  

  • Construction  
  • Early education  
  • Healthcare  
  • Technology  
  • Professional cooking  

In order to excel in these jobs, you should always try to keep your knowledge and skills current. Try to regularly attend workshops and seminars. You can also enrol in a short course or study from online sources. These habits will be crucial for staying relevant and choosing the perfect career.       

Workplace Culture  

The culture of the workplace is also a very important issue when choosing a future career in Australia. You cannot effectively work in a team without knowing about their norms and practices. Some professions, like carpentry, have flexible working times. Some have adopted the work-from-home set-up. Today, workplace cultures have become very diverse.  

Before joining any organisation, learn more about:  

  • Their working hours  
  • Work-life balance and flexibility  
  • Nature of work (On-site or online/hybrid)  
  • Duties and responsibilities   
  • Approach to the tasks (Collaborative or individual)  

Most candidates frequently overlook this factor. Understanding your company’s culture will help you precisely understand their expectations and what you should do. You can align with the mission and vision of your organisation. This also ensures more professionalism at work.    

Final Thoughts  

Remembering the above 9 factors will be highly beneficial for your career. Our tips will guide you on your journey to find the best job according to your competency.    

Before choosing a future career in Australia, you should study more about the evolving opportunities across various industries. You’ll be surprised at how diverse the individual job roles and rewards are. With patience and the right approach, you will land your dream job in no time. We wish you all the best!