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06 Reasons Why an Apprenticeship is Important

06 Reasons Why an Apprenticeship is Important

Are you looking for an apprenticeship? Did you know nationally recognized courses like Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care include apprenticeship programs?  

Today, we will explain what an apprenticeship is. We will also list the 06 reasons you can consider an apprenticeship to enhance your resume for the job market. You’ll learn about the main benefits of an apprenticeship program. So let’s have a look! 

What Are an Apprenticeship and a Traineeship?  

There is a key distinction between these two terms. Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) usually offer apprenticeships as part of their courses. These training programs combine on-the-job and off-the-job training, lasting for 3.5 or 4 years.

On the other hand, a traineeship is an agreement between an employer and a trainee. The trainee agrees to receive training from the employer in a particular industry. A traineeship can last anywhere between 9 months to 4 years.  

Both options are great for building your skills and expertise in a specific industry. You can receive effective training from both apprenticeship and traineeship. But today, we will focus on apprenticeship and how it can positively affect your career.  

06 Reasons Why an Apprenticeship is Important for Your Career 

Now, we will discuss the 06 reasons why an apprenticeship can positively impact your career. It can greatly enhance your resume and is a fantastic way to enrich your portfolio. Employers greatly value candidates who have practical experience working as apprentices. Let’s take a look at how an apprenticeship can boost your profile.   

1. Learn the Necessary Skills  

One of the key benefits of working as an apprentice is learning the most important job skills. You will be under the supervision of an experienced practitioner during an apprenticeship. This supervision is great for your skill development because:  

  • You are working under an expert mentor  
  • You can learn the most trending skills for your job  
  • You can identify your mistakes and learn from them  
  • You’ll learn how to work in a team  

2. Experience Real-life Applications  

An apprenticeship gives you the taste of a real job. You will have to assist your mentor or supervisor with their projects. As a result, this invaluable experience can be a great asset for your career. Some of the benefits of real-life applications of skills are:  

  • You learn through a hands-on approach  
  • You can learn the techniques quickly and efficiently  
  • You develop practical know-how of how things are done  
  • You can easily transition to a full-time job     

3. Get Government-funded Support  

Several government-funded organisations will assist you in having a positive experience during your apprenticeship period. These organisations are dedicated to providing the best environment for polishing your skills and developing your career. The government can also help you with the following incentives:  

  • Incentive payments that range from $2,500 to $5,000, depending on your apprenticeship type  
  • Trade support loans  
  • Living away from home allowance  
  • Assistance for apprentices with disability  

Please get in touch with The Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) to check your eligibility for these incentives if you are an apprentice.  

4. Better Career Outcomes  

Apprenticeships often lead to a job outcome better than or similar to a traditional degree. We have seen many examples of students who have excelled in their apprenticeship programs. These individuals are doing well in the job market. An apprenticeship will positively impact your career because:  

  • Your apprenticeship experience will add huge value to your resume  
  • Employers know that apprentices have a good deal of work experience  
  • You can easily identify a job suited to you  
  • You can perform well due to your prior experience   

5. Build Connections in the Industry  

Building strong connections is important for growing your career in any industry. Apprenticeship can help you to achieve this target. Let’s take a look at how an apprenticeship can help you to grow your industry connections:  

  • You get to meet and work with industry professionals  
  • You’ll be able to grow your professional reputation  
  • You’ll be able to identify the top employers and experts in your industry  
  • You can collaborate with them in the future   

6. Obtain a Nationally Recognised Qualification  

You can obtain a nationally recognized qualification after completing your apprenticeship. For example, you can obtain a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care once your apprenticeship period in the course is completed. Some of the advantages of having a recognized qualification are:  

  • You become a certified practitioner of your skills  
  • There are many career benefits like a promotion  
  • You can apply for better jobs  
  • You can apply for a license or registration   

Apprenticeship and RTOs  

Various Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) throughout Australia offer nationally recognised courses that include apprenticeships. You can contact an RTO for more details regarding these courses and the apprenticeship program.  

Remember that the RTOs will have different pricing plans and study options. You can pursue a full-time or part-time apprenticeship. You can even have a more flexible hybrid option.  

Take your time and do some research before choosing a particular RTO. For example, you can search for phrases like “childcare online course” or “certificate 3 in childcare online cost” online to learn more about the child care courses and apprenticeships. 


We hope that our article on apprenticeship programs will help you in your career journey. We recommend enrolling in a nationally recognized course like Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care to complete your apprenticeship.  

Ensure you get the certification from a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or an authorised training provider.  

Always remember that learning the right skills is more important than obtaining a certificate. We wish you all the best!