SITHGAM022 - Provide responsible gambling services

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide responsible gambling services, and to assist those customers who may be at risk of or are already experiencing harm from gambling.
Responsible gambling services must be provided wherever gambling activities are undertaken. In the hospitality industry, the gambling environment is usually referred to as the gaming area and is provided in a range of venues, such as hotels, motels, clubs, pubs and casinos.
The major forms of gambling are wagering (racing and sport) and gaming (gaming machines, table games, Keno and lotteries). Both forms of gambling are relevant to the hospitality industry.
Hospitality venues may operate Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) outlets for wagering on racing and sport events. They may also cover the full range of gaming activities, including operating gaming machines, table games, Keno and lotteries.
Responsible provision of gambling services is an essential underpinning skill for all hospitality personnel involved in the sale and service of gambling activities in licensed premises, including the licensee, gaming supervisors and gaming managers when involved in operational gambling activities.
The unit applies equally to frontline operational gambling personnel who operate with a limited level of autonomy and under some supervision and guidance from others. They would operate within predefined organisational procedures, and regulatory authority and industry and organisational codes of conduct.
Those developing training to support this unit must consult the relevant state and territory gaming licensing authority to determine accreditation arrangements for courses, trainers and assessors.
The unit also relates to satisfying the requirements for providing responsible gambling services under state and territory legislation. The terms used to describe this vary across state and territory regulatory bodies and can include Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG), Responsible Service of Gaming, or Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG).
Under differing state and territory legislation this is a required certification unit for certain nominated personnel operating in licensed gambling premises.
Pre-requisite Unit
Competency Field
Unit Sector
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes | Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
1. Implement responsible gambling practices. | 1.1. Follow responsible gambling service procedures according to relevant state and territory legislation and industry and organisational policy and codes of conduct. 1.2. Communicate with appropriate personnel on gambling related incidents, situations and their compliance with legislation and industry and organisational policy. 1.3. Maintain accurate records of gambling related incidents and associated staff action according to industry and organisational policies and procedures. 1.4. Ensure gambling environmental features support responsible gambling policies within scope of own responsibility. |
2. Provide information and assistance to customers about gambling harm and harm minimisation. | 2.1. Provide accurate and appropriate information on impacts of harm from gambling and gambling harm minimisation and reduction. 2.2. Follow procedures for self exclusion and exclusion according to legislation, industry and organisational policy, and confidentiality and privacy requirements. 2.3. Display signage and information related to responsible gambling in appropriate places visible to players, according to legislative, industry and organisational requirements. 2.4. On request, provide information on available support services according to confidentiality and privacy requirements, and legislative, industry and organisational requirements. |
Foundation Skills
Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the performance criteria are listed here, along with a brief context statement. | |
Reading skills to: |
Oral communication skills to: |
Problem-solving skills to: |
Technology skills to: |
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